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Availability of site CLASS web - OLD

Notice: User who own this measurement don't log in for a long time. If he doesn't log in in near future, this account and this measurement will be deleted.

Monitoring details
NameCLASS web - OLD
URL addresshttp://class.webz.cz
Monitoring typeHTTP (head)
Monitoring period10 minutes
Timeout30 seconds
Monitored from09/13/2006 04:23:51 pm
Last monitored-
Monitoring length6427 days 22 hours 44 minutes 21 seconds
Note: The address is not monitored at the moment
Overall availability
Number of measurements0
Dropouts out of it0
Absolute availability0%
Common availability0%
OutputsHTML | RSS | XML | JavaScript | Common availability (TXT)

This site has no monitored value yet, therefore the statistics are not available.

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